Accepted Poster & Demo Papers
1 A Method for Building Ontology Property Explanations
Sungkwon Yang et al. from Seoul National University, Korea
2 Action Planning based on Open Knowledge Graphs and LOD
Seiji Koide et al. from National Institute of Informatics, Japan
3 Automatic Alignment between Wikipedia Attributes and DBpedia Properties
Thi-Nhu Nguyen et al. from Haiphong University, Vietnam
4 Extending DUDES for Ranked Template Generation
Hyunwhan Joe et al. from Seoul National University, Korea
5 Formation of Information Need as a Questioning: A Conceptual Representation for Semantic Web based QA System
Yongju Lee et al. from Seoul National University, Korea
6 Graph-based Entity Linking using Shortest Path
Yongsun Shim et al. from Seoul National University, Korea
7 Question answering as a Language-game
Sueun Jang et al. from Seoul National University, Korea
8 SocioScope: an Integrated Framework for Understanding Society from Social Data
Hoang Long Nguyen et al. from Chung-Ang University, Korea
Camera-ready versions should be in the same format as submission (PDF using LNCS style and no longer than
8 pages) and sent via e-mail to
Hanmin Jung and
Yuefeng Li by 16 October, 2017.