1008ICT Business Informatics

Module 3 - Designing The User Interface

Making Systems Usable


Learning Outcomes:

  • Be able to define the role of the user interface to a system
  • Be able to state the relationship between an information system's usability and good user interface design
  • An understanding of the factors that determine how effectively humans and computers (or other devices) interact
    • Quantity of information
    • Quality of information
    • Relevance of information
    • Manner of delivery
    • Good visibility to next step
    • Good conceptual model for site
    • Natural mapping between icons and intended function
    • Good feedback on actions
    • Proximity of related items and nesting
    • Alignment of similar items or items of similar importance
    • Repetition of items to provide a theme
    • Contrast to provide focus and distinction
    • Appropriate choice and use of fonts
    • Appropriate choice and use of colours
  • Be able to apply a simple UI design framework to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of a web-based user interface
  • Be able to make suggestions as to improvements to user interfaces by using the UI design framework

Additional Material

In this module we will investigate human computer interaction (HCI) and the basic principles of user interface design (UID). These drive the design requirements that help humans use devices more effectively to achieve a goal. We will focus on the user interface of Web pages and Web sites but many of the principles apply equally to the design of physical objects that we use to perform different tasks as well.

A user interface is that part of an object that we interact with. We interact by supplying some sort of input to the device and receiving some sort of output or action in return. In computer terms we give input through devices such as keyboards, mice, touch sensitive screens, scanners, cameras and microphones. Output can be given through devices such as printers, plotters, speakers and of course the computer screen.

Relevance of this material to the study of Information Systems in Organizations

Computers are here to stay.  They are used by humans to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of everyday tasks that involve aspects of communication, storage and manipulation of data. Evaluating the interface where humans and computers interact and being able to design systems that allow humans and computers to work together more effectively is key to the success of any information system. Computer systems, communication devices, web pages and software are all designed to enhance user productivity. In an organisation that means workflow, efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction.

Human communication using sight and sound

Around 60% of the human brain is devoted to processing visual input. We are good at seeing patterns, changes in patterns, contrast in colour, contrast in intensity, movement (contrast in position and time) and other related stimuli. Not surprisingly, we have designed computers to communicate effectively with us primarily through visual channels. Sound is the next most frequently used human input channel and accordingly sound channels have been designed into computers as a supplementary output. Here is a draft research report on the human vision system that might be of interest.

Conversely, humans in person, communicate with each other primarily through sound and then movement. Over a distance we use visual stimulus through written words. To make sounds we modulate pressure waves in the air around us to convey meaning, intent and presence with our voice and other sound producing devices. Other physical channels of communication are through body position and its movement, touch and smell. Of course, for us, smell is right down the bottom of the list in terms of communications.

There is a slight mismatch between how humans effectively communicate with each other and how they can communicate with computers. To input information to a computer we use movement (mouse) and physical code (keyboard input). So we use our secondary or supplementary information channel to input. There are systems out there that translate voice commands although they require training for each new user and there is still some correction required due to the imprecise nature of our verbal communication. Computers dont remember history or appreciate context to gain the extra meaning that humans do.


So, how can we make communication as effective as possible? By making sure that the user interface, the part of the system that we interact with the computer through, is designed to make communication as easy and as intuitive as possible. This has been a research focus for a number of years. It has become particularly important now that the Internet is so widespread and is used to perform so many information processes.

What makes a good User Interface?

As we build our framework for judging and designing user interfaces it is important to remember that an interface is build for a purpose and to achieve some goal. The following factors and principles focus our attention to that goal and how effectively it is being reached. It is all about creating an interface so that it is "usable".

Grice and the principles of cooperation


(Grice, H. Paul. 1975. Logic and conversation. In Cole, P., and J.L. Morgan, eds. Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press, 41–58.)
Grice put forward a theory of conversational interaction in 1975. At that time it was focused on how humans interact in conversations but it has since been seen that it applies well to how we interact with computers. The key concepts are the "rules" of conversation and the principles that make it effective.

Because humans communicate over several channels at once, words, tone, body language, motion, etc., we can actually use some of those channels to imply meaning opposite to what the words actually said. There are some key maxims for conversation that ensure that actual meaning is reinforced rather than diluted. The basis for conversation is the principle of cooperation. That is, both partiesobey some basic rules and cooperate in the conversation.

Maxim of Quantity:

  1. “Make your contribution as informative as required” (for the purposes of the current exchange).
  2. “Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.”

Maxim of Quality:

  1. “Do not say what you believe to be false.”
  2. “Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.”

Maxim of Relation (Relevance)

  1. Be relevant and assume relevance.

Maxim of Manner

  1. “Avoid obscurity of expression.”
  2. “Avoid ambiguity.”
  3. “Be brief.”
  4. “Be orderly.”

The key here is to think of human-computer interaction as being like a conversation. If you do you can see the relevance of Grice’s theory of conversational interaction to user interface design. It is through the interface that the “conversation” takes place!

What questions might Grice have you ask of a Web interface?

  1. Quantity: Is there enough information to allow users to perform their required tasks?
      1. Does it seem easy to progress?
      2. Are there sufficient navigation queues to direct users?
      3. Is there sufficient help and support?
  2. Quantity: Is there too much information causing users difficulty in progressing toward their goal?
      1. Is the web page "busy"?
      2. Is the web page "crowded"?
      3. Do you feel lost?
  3. Quality: Is the information given truthful and correct?
      1. Are there any false promises or dead links?
      2. Are the goods/services being advertised actually the ones being delivered?
      3. If you put correct information in do you get correct information back out?
  4. Quality: Is the information backed up with evidence?
      1. Are there independent sources quoted that support information?
      2. Are there credible reviews or testimonials?
  5. Relevance: Is the information, asked for or given, relevant to the task at hand?
      1. Does the information help the user reach their goal?
      2. Is the information for a purpose related to the user's goals?
      3. Is the information appropriate for the task? (eg., inappropriate advertising)
      4. Is the information requested goal related?
      5. Is the information requested appropriate to the task?
      6. Are images and icons relevant to the task
      7. Is decoration neutral?
  6. Manner: Is the language used clear and straightforward?
      1. Does it use plain English with small words?
      2. Is it appropriate to the audience intended?
      3. Is it appropriate to the discipline or industry?
      4. Does navigation go directly where it should?
  7. Manner: Is the language used ambiguous?
      1. Is the intended meaning clear?
      2. Is there any possibility for misinterpretation?
  8. Manner: Is the information brief and to the point?
      1. Are there simple, short explanations?
      2. Are lists or points used to outline process?
      3. Are images used appropriately to illustrate points?
      4. Are appropriate icon images used for navigation?
      5. Do webpages go over a single screen length?
  9. Manner: Is there sufficient structure in the presentation of information to make it clear?
      1. Are lists and tables used effectively to group items?
      2. Is indentation used to effectively indicate belonging or encapsulation?
      3. Is information hierarchically organised (indexed, categorised, table of contents)?
      4. Does navigation structure match order of tasks in process?


Norman's Principles


Donald Norman and Jakob Nielsen are probably the world's formost researchers into user interface design and system usability. Norman published works in 1986 and 1988 that defined our understanding of the requirements of user interfaces for effective operation.

In the following section it is important to realise that each time we use a computer or a tool or even a web page we are doing so with some purpose in mind. We have a goal! Norman's model for Human-Computer Interaction is based upon the actions we take after having formed our goal and the effect of the execution of those actions. Norman's model for HCI is based upon the following steps:

  1. Forming a goal
  2. Forming an intention
  3. Specifying an action
  4. Executing the action
  5. Perceiving the state of the system
  6. Interpreting the state of the system
  7. Evaluating the outcome

The goals for the user interface designer are:

  1. Bridging the gulf of execution: Design the system to ease the process of getting from the intention to the execution.
  2. Bridging the gulf of evaluation: Design the system so that the response after the user has performed an action can be easily interpreted and then evaluated.

Norman posited these four design principles to reach these goals:

  1. Make things visible: Ensure that the user, by looking, can tell the state of the device and the alternatives for action.
  2. Provide a good conceptual model: Ensure the system image is coherent and consistent and reflects the model that underlies the system.
  3. Use natural mappings: Ensure there is a natural relationship between the look of an object and its function.
  4. Give feedback: Give the user full and continuous feedback.

What questions might Norman ask of a web interface?

  1. Visibility: Can the user always see the next possible step?
      1. Are navigation choices easy to see and understand?
      2. Are steps in the process clearly marked?
      3. Are the choices marked relevant to the current state of the process?
      4. Is an exit from the process or page clearly marked?
      5. Is there help clearly indicated?
      6. Is there information clearly stating what is possible and what is not from that point?
      7. Are there scroll bars if information is off the screen?
  2. Conceptual Model: Is there a recognisable conceptual model (portal, game, ladder, tree, book, etc.)?
      1. Is the organisation of the information consistent with the conceptual model?
      2. Is the navigational structure consistent with the conceptual model?
      3. Are the actions consistent with the conceptual model?
      4. Does the model get in the way of the user reaching their goal?
      5. Does the model effectively help the user to understand the information or process?
  3. Natural Mapping: Do the objects that appear on the webpage or site have an easily understood action associated with them?
      1. Are icons and images appropriate for their use?
      2. Do items appearing on the site have all of the actions that are appropriate for that metaphor (Window - open, close, half open, see through, slide up and down, etc. Desktop - ?)?
      3. Do objects do what they look like they ought to?
  4. Feedback: If an action is taking place is there feedback to let you know what is happening (saving, calculating, processing, loading, etc.)?


Principles of layout: PARC, CARP, or CRAP!


Williams has put forward four principles of layout that should be considered in developing the layout of information on a screen. (Williams, R. (1994). The Non-Designer's Design Book. Peachpit Press).

  1. The principle of Proximity requires that all related items should be chunked or grouped together so that the related items are made to appear as cohesive groups.
  2. The principle of Alignment holds that nothing should be placed on the page arbitrarily. Every item should have a visual connection with something else on the page.
  3. The principle of Repetition: Some aspect of the design should be repeated throughout the entire piece.
  4. The principle of Contrast states that if two items are not exactly the same, then make them different … really different. Determine what you want the focus to be and use contrast to create that focus.

What questions might Williams ask of a web interface?

  1. Proximity: Are related items "chunked" or spatially organised into clearly identifiable cohesive groups?
      1. Is indentation used to signify belonging?
      2. Are headings used to identify groupings?
      3. Are paragraphs used to separate topics or points?
      4. Are images close to the text that describes them?
      5. Are tables and lists used effectively to group and separate information?
  2. Alignment: Are related items aligned?
      1. Do similar text objects (headings, paragraphs, etc.) all start on the same level of indentation?
      2. Do things that belong together (eg., opening and closing tags) have the same level of indentation?
      3. Is alignment meaningful?
      4. Is the information structure easy to discern?
      5. Is the connection between items on the page easy to see?
      6. Do items such as text, tables and images have a consistent spatial relationship?
  3. Repetition: Is there sufficient use of repetition to create familiarity with the site's operation?
      1. Is there a theme that is repeated?
      2. Are colours used thematically?
      3. Are items placed similarly on every page (menus, etc)?
      4. Are structures used repeatedly?
      5. Is spacing used repeatedly?
      6. Are the same choice of fonts used repeatedly?
      7. Are the same menu choices and explanations available for similar actions?
  4. Contrast: Are different items or groupings clearly distinguishable?
      1. Are headings used effectively to separate topics?
      2. Is emphasis (bold, underline, font size or italics) used effectively to separate important or key items of information?
      3. Are different fonts used for different types of information?
      4. Are colours used to group related topics or information categories?
      5. Are links and navigation clearly distinguishable from information?

Typography: Using fonts


We read text not so much letter by letter but by recognising the outline of the words. Some fonts make text easier to read because of particular characteristics.

  • Risers and descenders that are clearly visible above and below the x-height of the text enhances the outline of the words.
  • A type face that clearly outlines the curves, bowls and straights of each letter in the word enhances the shape of the word
  • Sufficient spacing between letters and between words helps to identify the word and distinguish it from others
  • Sufficient spacing between lines (leading) helps the eye to follow the correct line of text
  • Adequate font size to make words clear and easily readable is important
  • There must be adequate contrast between text and background to make words readable
  1. Are similar fonts used consistently for particlular purposes and actions?
  2. Are appropriate fonts used for the intended purpose of the site?
  3. Are there more than 80 characters per line?
  4. Is there sufficient line spacing (leading) and word spacing to make information easily readable?
  5. Are font and background colours used appropriately to aid visibility
    1. Are larger fonts used to aid readability if a dark background colour is used?
  6. Is sufficient font variation used to provide contrast and visibility of different types of information?
  7. Is sufficient font similarity used to provide grouping (topic, level of importance, etc)
  8. Do the fonts and typefaces (eg., italics) used make the words harder to read?

Colour: The eyes have it!


We talked about "web safe" colours when demonstrating how to put background colours into web pages. Colours are represented similarly for any object that allows you to specify a colour attribute's value.

We used the format: bgcolor="#FF33CC" or text="#330099" or something similar. Web safe colours are those for which you should get the same colour no matter what browser you are using.

The value pairs that are used for each of the Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) values are two digit hexadecimal numbers: FF, CC, 99, 66, 33 or 00. Their relative values are explained in the table below. Basically, FF means that the maximum amount of a particular primary hue is being used in the colour mix. 00 means that none of a particular primary hue is used. The relative saturations of R, G and B can be adjusted to give 216 different web safe colours. Browsers may display other colours apart from the websafe set but this cannot be guaranteed.

Saturation %

Various web resources explain how to effectively use colour and how to create a colour scheme that works consistently.

There are other considerations for using colour that must be taken into consideration. Some users may have some form of colour blindness or insensitivity that causes a web page to appear differently. Different cultures may historically or traditionally use different colours to be associated with particular events or actions.

  1. Are web safe colours used in the site?
  2. Is a colour scheme used effectively to create an effect that is pleasing to the eye?
  3. Are colours used appropriate for the purpose considering race, culture, religion, etc.
  4. Do colours used create an appropriate mood or atmosphere for the purpose of the site?

The way we colour our lives and words at FactMonster

The ColorMatters site gives plenty of examples of how colour affects the human condition

A simple framework for evaluating a User Interface

Remember that you go to a website or use a device with a task in mind. Here is a table containing a set of questions that you can use to evaluate the effectiveness of a user interface's design. In this case each question can be answered using a five point scale so that there is some graphical representation of the evaluation. When reporting it would be necessary to justify your judgment based upon one of the principles above.


Is the amount of information on the site/device appropriate to perform the task?
1: Too little - 3: Just right - 5: Too much

Are the information and processes contained on the site/device accurate, true and correct?
1: Inaccurate - 3: Mostly accurate - 5: Totally accurate
Is the information and images contained on the site/device relevant to the task?
1: Irrelevant - 3: Mostly relevant - 5: Totally relevant
Is the information given to the user clear and unambiguous?
1: Unclear - 3: Mostly clear - 5: Totally clear

Are navigation, formatting and information structure helpful to completing the task?
1: Not helpful - 3: Could be better - 5: Very helpful

From everywhere on the user interface is it possible to see where to go next to reach your goal?
1: Rarely possible - 3: Sometimes possible - 5: Always possible
Does the user interface use a consistent and appropriate conceptual model?
1: Inappropriate - 3: Inconsistent - 5: appropriate & consistent
Do objects appearances always match the intended function?
1: Poor match - 3: Mostly match - 5: Always match
Is there sufficient feedback so that you always know what the system is doing?
1: No feedback - 3: Inconsistent feedback - 5: Continuous feedback
Are related items on the user interface "chunked" into groups?
1: No grouping - 3: Loosely grouped - 5: Tightly grouped

Is repetition used enough to create familiarity?
1: No repetition - 3: Some repetition - 5: Good use of repetition

Are items of related importance or content consistently aligned?
1: No alignment - 3: Loose alignment - 5: Consistent alignment
Are different items and actions distinguished using contrast?
1: No contrast - 3: Inconsistent contrast - 5: Excellent contrast
Are fonts used to provide a clearly readable text?
1: Poor use - 3: Inconsistent use - 5: Good use
Is the colour scheme pleasing to the eye?
1: Horrible - 3: Alright - 5: Very pleasing
Is the colour scheme appropriate for the audience?
1: Inappropriate - 3: Mostly appropriate - 5:Very appropriate
Is the colour scheme appropriate for the task?
1: Inappropriate - 3: Mostly appropriate - 5:Very appropriate


Here is an editable version of the framework.

Try out your framework on a couple of sites from the Week 3 section of Marilyn Ford's notes: 2505ICT- User Interface Design


There are several methods that can be used to determine how “usable” a system is from the users’ perspectives. Using a simple set of heuristics or general rules is one method that is easily applied to web sites and pages. Nielsen and Molich provide the following framework for heuristic evaluation. Depending upon the user and the purpose of the interface a set of questions might be generated that can be asked of the user as they perform each task.

Heuristic evaluation

This is a method for structuring the critique of a system using a set of relatively simple and general heuristics. The general idea behind heuristic evaluation is that several evaluators independently evaluate a system to come up with potential usability problems. It is important that there be several of these evaluators and that the evaluations be done independently.

Ten usability heuristics (Nielsen, J. and Molich, R.)

• Visibility of system status
• Match between system and the real world
• User control and freedom
• Consistency and standards
• Error prevention
• Recognition rather than recall
• Flexibility and efficiency of use
• Aesthetic and minimalist design
• Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
• Help and documentation

Marilyn Ford has summarised this material on usability and it is available for your perusal here.


Computer Lab Exercises

Week 3

  1. In the Week 3 section of your website
    1. Using MS Excel create a new workbook
      1. Rename the tab on the first spreadsheet to "UID"
      2. Create a text heading in the top left corner "User Interface Design"
      3. Recreate the UID framework template in the spreadsheet so that has the questions are in a left hand column and each of the columns to the right can hold numeric scores (1-5).

        Spreadsheet example

        UID Question

        Website 1
        (good site)
        score 1-5
        Website 2
        (bad site)
        score 1-5
        Your project site #1
        score 1-5
        Peer project site #1
        score 1-5

        Your project site #2
        score 1-5

        Peer project site #2
        score 1-5

        Is the amount of information on the site/device appropriate to perform the task?
        1: Too little - 3: Just right - 5: Too much
      4. Set aside seven columns (stretch to suit text) and place headings similar to (example above):
        1. UID Question
        2. Good Site
        3. Bad Site
        4. Your Project Site #1
        5. Peer project Site #1
        6. Your Project Site #2
        7. Peer project Site #2
      5. Think of a website that you like and one that you dislike. If you cannot think of any then follow the link to Marilyn Ford's UID site and find a couple of example sites to view there.
      6. Use the UID framework in your spreadsheet to give each a set of scores. This is practice for the next question that will help you collaborate with a peer to improve each of your project web sites.
      7. Get together with a peer in your lab class and swap student numbers so that you can each access both of your websites on Dwarf.
      8. Working with your peer you should both collaborate to:
        1. Record the URL for both of your websites
        2. Score each of your websites using the evaluative framework and record them in the spreadsheet
        3. Create a text box
          1. Write a justification based on the UID theories of why you have given your scores
          2. For each website write a list of items that you and your peer have agreed on should be changed to improve them.
      9. Execute the agreed changes to your website as per the list and
      10. Repeat steps 8 & 9 with your peer to record a new evaluation
    2. Save the Excel workbook as "analysis.xls" and then copy it to dwarf and create a link from the week 4 area of your "My Project" table to the spreadsheet.
    3. Create a simple web page with a title and heading of "Colour Schemes"
      1. Create 4 tables as "colour swatches" with examples of the following colour schemes. You should go to Marylin's site/page on colour schemes (the link is in the section above on colour) Do not copy the examples from Marilyn's site but create examples of your own:
        1. Analogous
        2. Complementary
        3. Monochromatic
        4. Triadic

      Here is an example of a table as a colour swatch:


      After each table (some may have different numbers of columns/colours) you should explain what it is that defines that colour scheme. This is also on Marilyn's colour page.

      1. Create a colour scheme for your project business describing the use of colour for text, images, backgrounds and other features.
        1. Create a set of colour swatches for your colour scheme
        2. Justify your scheme based on your project business type, its clients, cultural operating environment and any other important factors affecting colour choice.
      2. Font Family is the basic font family that you can use. The font families are "serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "cursive" and "fantasy". The first three are known by all browsers but the last two are not so well implemented. Feel free to try though.
        1. Here is a "CSS Style" that will help you set up colours for the background, text colour and font family on your page. Simply place the code below somewhere before the closing </HEAD> tag in your HTML page. Change the attributes: color, background-color and font-family to something that you find pleasing or interesting. If you want to find out more about styles look for online tutorials on Cascading Style Sheets next time you do a web search. There is some good stuff at: "HTML Code Tutorial"

          <STYLE TYPE="text/css">

      3. Link the Colour Schemes webpage to your “Week 4” table entry
  2. Reflect. Make an entry in your Blog that outlines the new knowledge and skills that you have gained from this week's lessons.

    Focus: What have I learned?

    Reflect. - Think about what you have done above and answer these questions:

    1. What do you think you have learned from this module and its exercises?
    2. Where do you think this knowledge will be useful?
    3. What did you find interesting about the exercises?
    4. Why were they interesting?
    5. What did you find uninteresting about these exercises?
    6. Why were they uninteresting?
    7. How many hours per week have you spent doing work for this course in the last week?

Remember to “back up”.  Have you got a copy of all of the files that you created on both your USB and network drives?


  1. Edit it using MS Word to fill in the marks that you think you have gained for the assessment items (checklist).
  2. Print a copy (if you haven't got a working site yet then present this to your tutor in labs next week)
  3. Link the edited document to your website
























Resources List:


Updated by Heather Gray Feb 2011