Installing a WWW Homepage

Up to Information Guides for CIT users

Notice to non-local readers: These instructions are meant for those faculty, staff, and postgradutates with accounts on our local UNIX machines. Currently these machines are:- Hobbit, Gucis and Enterprise. The procedures described below in general will work on most apache based servers, not we provide no gurantee of this. Contact your local webmaster for information regarding setting up your own homepages on your system.

NOTE: Student Server has restricted access
The purpose of the student web server is NOT to provide students with world accessable webpages, but to provide them a place where they can study using web clients, languages, and web projects. As such the server is restricted to access from within Griffith University, and some Australian ISP providers. More specific information can also be found on the Gucis Home Page OR by contactng the CIT webmaster.

CAUTION The following can be a security hazard, before attempting the following you should know and understand the use of the UNIX commands `chmod' and `umask' particularly with regard to `other users'. If you are unsure or require help PLEASE contact one of the system programmers to get you a helping hand. (Via the help desk, Room 1.34 Technology Building)

How to create your own page

Other files you can create

There are other special files you can create in your WWW home page directory. A template of these files can be found in the directory "/opt/info/www_home/" on kurango, if you have not already copied them.

A couple of programs used in the School Information Server looks for files of these names. In particualar the ''User Supplied Home Pages'' know about the following html documents. These are...

This is the file you should have created above which is your initial actual home page. If this page is not present, any files in you WWW area will still be available to the world, but your home pages will not be listed in the automatic user home pages list, or in any personal information list. If you do want a hidden home page I recomend that you call you initial home page "home.html" instead of "index.html" (suggestion only not nessary).

If present, the contents of this file is included in the ''User Home Page Listing'' output for your entry.

This file must contain only a couple of lines of information about your home page. Do not place anything too fancy or large in this line, just a short description about what your homepage is supposed to provide to the network.

As this file is `included' into a larger HTML document, it should NOT contain any header tags (like <HTML>, <TITLE>, <BODY> etc), or footers, just a couple of lines of HTML text.

Small images are ok, as is font color and size changes. As long as it is ''in moderation'' and ALL your tags are properly closed. All images (small ones ok) should also include WIDTH and HEIGHT tags.

Testing your home page

When finished please ensure that all the files you create in your WWW area are readable by the user ''nobody'' or the file will never be seen by web users.

You are now ready to try out your page. To test, simply start a netscape (or other) WWW client and go to the right User Supplied Home Pages for that machine (see above). If you did everything properly you name should appear on the list of home page available. Use the ''reload'' command of your WWW client to reread this list if needed.

More Information

The document, 'Writing HTML contains information on creating your HTML documents. Also included in is file is information on:-
  • Many Links to begineers guides on Writing HTML documents.
  • Using the locally supplied WWW images.
  • How to refer (link) to other staff members.
  • Final Note -- Home Permissions

    As your home is now semi-open to others it is important to have your home directory permissions set correctly and ensure that they remain correct. The following is one (optional) method which I use. I supply it here as a suggestion which can make your life easier in this regard.

    I have a small private (only I can run) shell script to set ALL the permissions within my home directory. I then run this when ever I have made lots of changes or want to ensure all permissions are correct.

    Given the above the following shell script is a bare bones script to re-set your home directory permissions correct. Please modify to suit your needs.

    # Reset your home directory permissions correctly
    # You should expand this script and run it regularly to
    # 'lock down' your home directory permissions.
    chmod -R go= $HOME
    find public_html -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
    find public_html -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
    chmod 711 .
    Or for a more complex shell script allowing greater flexablility and and modification to set permissions of ALL your home directories.
    # Reset your home directory permissions correctly
    cd              # go home
    x="-n5"         # options to xargs
    l="-AF1"        # options to ls
    c="-f"          # options to chmod (not on sgi's)
    chmod 711 .     # home directory settings
    # Close all the upper level directories and files to anyone else
    ls $l | sed '/[^\/]$/d; s/\/$//'  | xargs $x chmod $c 700  # upper directories
    ls $l | sed '/[\/]$/d; s/\*$//'   | xargs $x chmod $c 600  # upper files
    chmod $c 644 .plan .project .forward 2>/dev/null   # open certain dot files
    chmod $c 755 public_html   # open the public directories
    # some subroutines
    directories()  { find "$@" -type d -print0; }              # set directories
    allfiles()     { find "$@" -type f -print0; }              # all plain files
    executables()  { find "$@" -type f -perm -100 -print0; }   # executables only
    datafiles()    { find "$@" -type f ! -perm -100 -print0; } # non executables
    # Open and set WWW directory
    if [ -d public_html ]; then
      directories public_html | xargs -0 $x chmod $c 755 # directories  - accessable
      datafiles   public_html | xargs -0 $x chmod $c 644 # data         - readable
      executables public_html | xargs -0 $x chmod $c 755 # executables  - executable
    For more information please contact one of the system programmers.

    Permissions via file uploaders

    When uploading files you will need to try and set the correct file permissions. The following is a guid I found that explains how you can do this.

    Set File Permissions using FileZilla
    Original: 15 December 1994 by Anthony Thyssen
    Modified: 24 January 2002 by David Bussenschutt
    Minor Update: 22 August 2016 by Anthony Thyssen
    Send comments, errors and suggestions to