This pariticular area contained information on programming and design of encryption tools... Random Numbers... In the beginning, the Giver of Data (GOD) generated silicon and carbon, and the system without architecture, and un-initialized, and randomness was apon the arrangement of the matrix... -- Excerpt from the Binary Bible Anyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin. -- Von Neumann The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance. -- Tom Christiansen Files... Always secure your files, you never know who is lurking about. -- Rick Cook, "The Wizardry Compiled" A file is private because the person who created it says so. If anyone else were to decide, they would have to look at it, and then it woundn't be private, would it? -- John Barnes, "Orbital Resonance" Passwords... Treat your password like a toothbrush. Don't let anyone else use it and get a new one every six months. --- Cliff Stoll Password Strength -- -- XKCD Encryption... Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. -- Robert A Heinlien, "Lazarus Long" There are two types of encryption: One that will prevent your sister from reading your diary, and One that will prevent your government. -- Bruce Schneier Schneier's Law: Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can't break. There's a good reason we call new cryptography "snake oil." -- Bruce Schneier Encryption... is a powerful defensive weapon for free people. It offers a technical guarantee of privacy, regardless of who is running the government... It's hard to think of a more powerful, less dangerous tool for liberty. -- Esther Dyson Using encryption on the Internet is the equivalent of arranging an armored car to deliver credit-card information from someone living in a cardboard box to someone living on a park bench. -- Gene Spafford The equivalent of an armoured car should always be used to protect any secret kept in a cardboard box. -- Anthony Thyssen Breaking... The $5 Wrench -- -- XKCD