PLI Tutorial 2 Lexical analysis (Lm.n refers to Louden, Exercise m.n.) Make sure you have a warking account on dwarf, that you can access dwarf using an SSH client (from home, establish a VPN connection first), that you can compile and execute C programs on dwarf, that you have downloaded and installed PLT Scheme (from on your personal computer, and that you can define and call a Scheme function using PLT Scheme. Part A. C programming. 1. Complete the binary search tree library from Tutorial 1. Add a function to print the integers in the tree in increasing order. Part B. Scheme programming. 1. If you have not already done so, download PLT Scheme (DrScheme) onto your PC or onto your H: drive on the University network, read the Scheme tutorial "Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days", study some of the provided examples, and experiment. 2. Define a function (add key value dict) that adds a new (key,value) pair to the given dictionary, replacing any previous pair with the same key, and returns the updated dictionary. See examples.scm for initial definitions of a dictionary management module. 3. Completely rewrite the dictionary management module by new functions that use a binary search tree instead of linear search through a linear list. 4. Use nested definitions to implement a tail-recursive definition of a function that returns the n'th Fibonacci number (F_0=1, F_1=1, F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} for n>=2). 5. Think about how you might use nested definitions to implement a dictionary management module in an object-oriented, information-hiding style. (A solution is provided on the Resources page but please try to solve the problem yourself before reading the solution.) Part C. Compilation and lexical analysis. 1. A compiler is a program which takes a program text as input. List as many other programs as you can that take program texts as input. 2. Discuss what is involved in (a) retargeting a compiler to produce target code for a new machine and (b) rehosting a compiler to run on a new machine. Illustrate these two operations with T-diagrams (Louden, 1.6). 3. Translate the following Tiny program (Louden, Figure 1.4) into an equivalent sequence of TM instructions. { Sample Tiny program - computes factorial } read x; { input an integer x } if x > 0 then fact := 1; repeat fact := fact * x; x := x - 1 until x = 0; write fact { output factorial of x } end 4. Write regular expressions for the following sets of strings, or given reasons why no regular expressions can be written: a. All strings of lowercase letters that begins and end in a. b. All strings of digits that contain no leading zeros. c. All strings of digits such that all the 2's occur before all the 9's. d. All strings of letters, digits and underscores, starting with a letter. e. All binary numbers representing multiples of 3. f. All binary numbers representing prime numbers. 5. Write English descriptions for the sets of strings generated by the following regular expressions: a. (a|b)*a(a|b|e) where e denotes an empty string. b. (aa|b)*(a|bb)*c? 6. In the definition of regular expressions, we described the precedence of the operations (*, then concatenation, then |), but not their associativity. For example, we did not specify whether a|b|c meant (a|b)|c or a|(b|c) and similarly for concatenation. Why was this? 7. Draw a DFA corresponding to the regular expression O (empty set). 8. Draw DFAs for each of the sets of strings in Exercise 1. 9. Draw a DFA for C comments: /* ... */ 10. See Tutorial 3.