Replacement Tutes 2008 - S1

Please go to the tute that fits into your normal tute time. These are only one hour tutes for access to tutors so you may have to make up the rest of the time in labs later. There may be timetable clashes as a results but lease try and make a tute if you can fit it into your timetable for those weeks. Alternatively tutors will have a little bit extra in consultation time to help out so be proactive.


Booking Reference: ICT_Mar17-Apr21 09:00 TCH
Date/s: Mondays 17th March and 21st April
Start: 09:00
Finish: 10:00
Venue/s: G01_3.37
Building: Business 1 Bldg, Computer Lab

Booking Reference: ICT_Mar17-Apr21 10:00 TCH
Date/s: Mondays 17th March and 21st April
Start: 10:00
Finish: 11:00
Venue/s: G01_3.37
Building: Business 1 Bldg, Computer Lab

Booking Reference: ICT_Mar17-Apr21 11:00 TCH
Date/s: Mondays 17th March and 21st April
Start: 11:00
Finish: 12:00
Venue/s: G01_3.37
Building: Business 1 Bldg, Computer Lab

Booking Reference: ICT_Mar17-Apr21 12:00 TCH
Date/s: Mondays 17th March and 21st April
Start: 12:00
Finish: 13:00
Venue/s: G30_2.14
Building: Arts & Education Bldg 1, Computer Lab

Booking Reference: ICT_Mar17-Apr21 13:00 TCH
ate/s: Mondays 17th March and 21st April
Start: 13:00
Finish: 14:00
Venue/s: G30_2.14
Building: Arts & Education Bldg 1, Computer Lab

Booking Reference: ICT_Mar17-Apr21 14:00 TCH
Date/s: Mondays 17th March and 21st April
Start: 14:00
Finish: 15:00
Venue/s: G30_2.14
Building: Arts & Education Bldg 1, Computer Lab