Practical on Binary Arithmetic and radix conversion 1007ICT

The aim of this practical exercise is to re-enforce the material related to the addition and subtraction of binary numbers, the representation of negative numbers, and the conversion from one representation to another.

The following is a randomly generated exercise and is different for each user.

NOTE: You can get feedback on your answers byhitting the 'TestYourAnswers' button. When you haveCom[pleted the lab, ask your lab tutor to record a mark.

  1. Perform binary addition on these binary numbers...

    10000101 + 101101 =>
    11100110 + 1110 =>
    110000 + 10110 =>

  2. Perform binary subtraction on these binary numbers. Assume 8 bit two's complement representation.

    11011000 - 1011011 =>
    11010111 - 1111100 =>
    11111100 - 10000110 =>

  3. Negate the binary numbers shown.
    Assume 8 bit two's complement representation...

    - 11110111 =>
    - 11110111 =>
    - 100 =>

  4. Convert the following numbers between the given bases

    octal 265 : binary
    binary 10110 : decimal
    binary 10101010 : hexadecimal

Program: ``binary_arith'' 23 Feb 1995
Authors: Anthony Thyssen & David Abramson
Last modified by Sven Venema 17 March 2008