------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set up a proxy server Using netcat Open a localport 12345 connecting to www.google.come =======8<-------- ncat -l 12345 -c 'nc www.google.com 80' =======8<-------- Older method using piplines (and named pipe for bidirectionally) =======8<-------- mkfifo backpipe # feed back results from the piped requests nc -l 12345 0backpipe =======8<-------- Create a backdoor shell (danger) =======8<-------- nc -l -p 1234 -e /bin/sh =======8<-------- Using socat Once only forwarder =======8<-------- socat TCP4-LISTEN:12345 TCP4:www.google.com:www =======8<-------- Multi-parrallel connections forked server, with su for security, and only accept from the 10 intranet, log to local2 syslog after starting the accept loop =======8<-------- socat -d -d -lmlocal2 \ TCP4-LISTEN:12345,bind=myaddr1,su=nobody,fork,range=,reuseaddr \ TCP4:www.google.com:80,bind=myaddr2 =======8<-------- Sandbox Backdoor tcpwrappered (/etc/hosts.allow) chroots to sandbox, then runs 'myscript' =======8<-------- socat TCP4-LISTEN:5555,fork,tcpwrap=script \ EXEC:/bin/myscript,chroot=/home/sandbox,su-d=sandbox,pty,stderr =======8<-------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------