------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Netscape Title bar modification You used to be able to specify where the URL bar links are to go to as well as the name on the actual button. Mosaic Com however removed this in a later release... Arggghhh... :-( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Netscape Options -install Install and use your own colormap -remote funct(URL) Remote control a running netscape -ncols n Set the maximum number of colors to use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Netscape remote control -remote funct(URL) command line option can be used to control an already running netscape (Via the X Server). This list was taken from the netscape application defaults file. Also these are NOT all the functions available to control. openURL() Prompts for a URL with a dialog box. openURL(http://xxx) Opens the specified URL without prompting. openURL(http://xxx,new-window) Opens URL in a new window. openFile() Prompts for a file with a dialog box. openFile(/file) Opens the specified file without prompting. saveAs() Prompts for a file with a dialog box (like menu item). saveAs(/output/file) Writes HTML to the specified file without prompting. saveAs(/output/file, TYPE) Writes to the specified file with the type specified - the type may be HTML, Text, or PostScript. mailto() pops up the mail dialog with the TO field empty. mailto(a, b, c) Puts "a, b, c" in the TO field first. addBookmark() Adds the current URL to the bookmark list. addBookmark(URL) Adds the given URL to the bookmark list. addBookmark(URL, Title) Adds the given URL to the bookmark list, with the given title. For example: you can write a shell script which when called grabs whatever text is currently selected (highlighted) and open that URL. Or another program could add bookmarks to a running netscape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------