------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using dedicated input tools for shell GUI interfacing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes/NO input "whiptail" (ncurses) "dialog" (ncurses) "gdialog" (gtk) "kdialog" (kde) Example: if whiptail --yesno "Is this a good question" 20 60 # ncurses then echo Yes else echo No fi Or dialog --yesno "Is this a good question" 20 60 # ncurses gdialog --yesno "Is this a good question" 20 60 # gtk kdialog --yesno "Is this a good question" 20 60 # kde Xdialog --yesno "Is this a good question" 20 60 # xwindows? You can get the Yes/No test for your locale using... locale LC_MESSAGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminal progress bar example... dialog --gauge "Filling the tank" 20 60 0 < <( for i in {1..100};do printf "XXX\n%d\n%(%a %b %T)T progress: %d\nXXX\n" $i -1 $i sleep .033 done ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------