------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "audio.txt" -- Hints for converting Audio files from one format to another Also see "sound.txt" for controling the sound system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lossless spliting of MP3 files See MP3Split on wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mp3splt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID3 tag handling xmms This can set ID3 tags, however sometimes while a tag is changed that tag is not used by xmms in its play list!!!! easytag Very good GUI tagging -- the best solution Automatically tags files that have no tags, or re-tags according to filename rules you specify or renames according to tags. id3lib RPM id3convert id3cp id3info id3tag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM "wav" files... mp3... lame -h -tt "$title" \ -ta "$artist" \ -tl "$album" \ -tg "$genre" \ -tn "$track" \ -ty "$year" music.wav music.mp3 add "-b 192" for very high bitrate quality ogg... oggenc -q 10 -t "$title" \ -a "$artist" \ -l "$album" \ -G "$genre" \ -N "$track" \ -d "$year" -o music.ogg music.wav ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO "wav" format.. The "$opts" file is the options needed to convert wav to mp3 format m4a faad -i "$m4a" | sed -n ' s/["`$]/\\\&/g # handle any escapes in titles s/^title: \(.*\)$/--tt "\1"/p s/^artist: \(.*\)$/--ta "\1"/p s/^album: \(.*\)$/--tl "\1"/p s/^track: \(.*\)$/--tn "\1"/p s/^date: \([12][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)$/--ty "\1"/p # year? # s/^genre: \(.*\)$/--tg "\1"/p # m4a genres dont match those of mp3 ' - > "$opts" faad "music.m4a" ogg Convert the music info to lame options ogginfo "$ogg" | sed -n ' s/^ *title=\(.*\)$/--tt "\1"/p s/^ *artist=\(.*\)$/--ta "\1"/p s/^ *album=\(.*\)$/--tl "\1"/p s/^ *tracknumber=\(.*\)$/--tn "\1"/p ' - > "$opts" flac metaflac --list "$flac" | sed -n ' s/^.* TITLE=\(.*\)$/--tt "\1"/p s/^.* ARTIST=\(.*\)$/--ta "\1"/p s/^.* ALBUM=\(.*\)$/--tl "\1"/p s/^.* TRACKNUMBER=\(.*\)$/--tn "\1"/p ' - > "$opts" flac --decode "$flac" mp3 to wav mpg123 --wav music.wav music.mp3 # or mpg321 from freshrpms wma #/bin/bash mplayer -ao pcm music.wav music.wma && \ mv audiodump.wav "$wav" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m4a to mp3 mencoder music.m4a -o music.mp3 -oac mp3lame You can add -lameopts to specify bitrates or other lame options It is unknown wether the above also preserves the music "info" Using vlc vlc --no-repeat --no-loop --sout "#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=file,mux=raw,dst=OUTPUT}" INPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Video to Audio From http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/grabbing-your-music-youtube-do-it-your-way # download the video youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU # extract the audio ffmpeg -i 6E2hYDIFDIU.flv 6E2hYDIFDIU.wav # convert to mp3 lame 6E2hYDIFDIU.wav 6E2hYDIFDIU.mp3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mp3 Editing... # convert to wav mpg123 -w sound.wav sound.mp3 # now use 'sweep' to edit the wav file # convert back lame -h sound.wav sound.mp3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------