Search basics ----- Mail ----- bobby Items containing bobby, BOBBY, BoBby, etc bobby moore both bobby and moore any order bobby AND moore ditto bobby NOT moore bobby but not moore bobby OR moore either or both (...) grouping of logic "bobby moore" exact phrase (case sensitive???) from:"bobby moore" sent from this phrase to:bobby on to: line cc:"bobby moore" cc'ed to this phrase email address on cc: line bcc:bobby bobby on bcc line (sent mail only) subject:"bobby moore" phrase in subject subject:bobby moore booby in subject, moore anywhere else about:"status report" phrase in subject body or attachments hasattachment:yes attachments:presentation.pptx filename or in attachement contents category:red catagory containing the string "red" eg redundant category:business catagorized as business messagesize:<10 KB messagesize:>5 MB messagesize:tiny less than 10Kb messagesize:small between 10 and 25 Kb messagesize:medium between 25 and 100 Kb messagesize:large between 100 and 500 Kb messagesize:verylarge between 500 Kb and 1Mb messagesize:enormous larger 5Mb sent: yesterday Can use today,tommorrow,yesterday, this week, next month, last week, past month, coming year, Sunday...Saturday, January...December received:last week recieved sometime last week received:=1/1/2016 recieved on this date received:>=10/1/16 AND received:<=10/5/16 between these dates recieved:May recieved in May of any year read:no has been read followupflag:follow up flagged for followup ???? hasflag:true ditto ----- Calandar ----- startdate:next week subject:status calandar item on status and is new week is:recurring recuring calandar entry organizer:bobby calandar organizer is bobby ----- Contacts ----- firstname:bobby lastname:moore nickname:bobby jobtitle:physician businessphone:555-0100 homephone:555-0100 mobilephone:555-0100 businessfax:555-0100 businessaddress:(4567 Main St., Buffalo, NY 98052) homeaddress:(4567 Main St., Buffalo, NY 98052) businesscity:buffalo businesspostalcode:98052 street:(4567 Main St) homestreet:(4567 Main St) birthday:6/4/1960