------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ploting Tubes in Mathematica.. <50]; ] Here is the example from the original post. curve1= {t,Sin[t],0}; tubeplot[curve1,{t,-5,5},1] Here are two examples that have tangents that vanish at a point in the parameter interval. This is noticeable in the plot but not easily avoided (and also it is not disasterous to the picture). One can make the "pinched" regions small by upping the PlotPoints but this tends to make the process rather slow. curve2 = {t+1-Exp[t],Sin[t],0}; tubeplot[curve2,{t,-2,2},.3] curve3 = {t-1-Log[t],Cos[t*Pi/2],0}; tubeplot[curve3,{t,.1,4},.2] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------