------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax And is used a lot for GIT repositories That is the text files are stil readable but has extra syntax that allow it to be reformated and displayed as HTML. Markdown Cheatsheet (one of the best consice guides) https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet A very concise guide... https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax Saved as "markdown_syntax.md" How can you view markdown locally? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- markdown links [Link Text](http://server/and/path/) or as a link referance ... [Docker Hub Library][Docker Hub] ... [Docker Hub]: https://hub.docker.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Converters... pandoc -- Conversion between markup formats (e.g. Markdown to HTML). Pandoc is a swiss army knife for converting one markup format to another. It does an admirable job converting simple docx files to AsciiDoc. It works really well by default, and has LOTS of options Haskel Based - lots of ghc dependancies dnf install pandoc mkdocs - Create HTML documentation from markdown sources. Uses python python3-markdown Works well, but wants to set up docs in its own way. and must be run from the right directory. Includes a web server to serve the files. mkdocs-basic-theme - MkDocs Basic Theme mkdocs-docs - Documentantion for mkdocs mkdocs-alabaster - Alabaster port for MkDocs mkdocs-bootstrap - Bootstrap theme for MKDocs mkdocs-bootswatch - Bootswatch themes for MkDocs mkdocs-material - A material design theme for MkDocs mkdocs-cinder - A clean responsive theme for the MkDocs dnf install mkdocs perl-Text-Markdown perl script and library -- TOO SIMPLE Seems to get a lot of very basic things wrong. Markdown.pl README.md > index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GitLab Graphs (Mermaid) in markdown Example... ```mermaid graph LR A([Client]) --git push--> B B[Gitlab] --> C[CI Pipeline] R[CI Image] -.- C --SSH--> D[Server] C -.->|Reports| E[/ARA/] C -.->|Metrics| F[/Graphite/] note right of F Systical Graphing Monitot end note ``` Syntax... %% comments label square box (lable is put in box, unless otherwise defined label[..] square box (default) label[/../] slanted box label([..]) oval box label[(..)] cylinder label((..)) circle label>..] a indented on one side box label{{..}} hexagonal box [*] Start/End Dot -- line -.- dotted line --> arrow ==> thick arrow --o dot on end of line --x cross on end of line -.-> dotted arrow --name--> labled line -.->|name| dotted arrow with label -.name.-> dotted arrow with label you get the idea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------