------------------------------------------------------------------------------- slapd is a ldap password file system Passwords are stored in a sha1 hash, base64 encoded. For example ldapmodify -h {HOST} -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w {DIRMGR_PW} dn: uid=admin, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot changetype: modify replace: userpassword userpassword: {SHA}EiAf5eICiDvUX8l+hzZuoFGD4OQ= You can generate the passwords as follows. Slapd 'getpwenc"... /opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-$HOST/getpwenc SHA topsecret {SHA}EiAf5eICiDvUX8l+hzZuoFGD4OQ= Using openssl (sha1)... echo -n topsecret | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 EiAf5eICiDvUX8l+hzZuoFGD4OQ= NOTE: the password is not salted, and as such is not a good password system. Hopefully this has chnaged since I last explored "slapd". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------