ASCII Art has been around as long as computers have, this directory is just a small collection of 'simple' art I saved for later use. When I mean 'simple' I mean basic ASCII, such as can be put in code, or emails. Nothing fancy. That said ASCII Art can get very complex. * for printing on impact or dot matrix printers, with multple characters overlayed (using backspace) typically to darken the overall character. * use of color in the output * ANSI Terminal codes (such as graphic modes)... * Animations using screen clear and ANSI codes, to redraw frames. (output may need slowing and flushing to make this work properly) * Unicode, taking it well beyond norman ASCII The Box Drawing Graphic Characetrs for example are very usful here. On top of this there are special and specific uses of ASCII Art... * Large Multi Line ASCII fonts for titles and headings. _ _ _ _ _ _ | (_) | _____ | |_| |__ (_)___ | | | |/ / _ \ | __| '_ \| / __| | | | < __/ | |_| | | | \__ \ |_|_|_|\_\___| \__|_| |_|_|___/ See programs such as "Figlet". * Box drawing around text, to generate 'comments', 'email signatures', or just highlight some element. ___ --- ___________________________ | _______/__ \____/ || / | |-=| \_\_\_ ||---< Your message goes here... | | \_________\ + \ ____| \___________________________| \___\ See "boxes" program, though this does not support Unicode at this time. Or my own 'simple' shell script And basic shell functions in the collect... Also see in this directory... * Small "Spinner" and "Heartbeat" animations, such as the classical spinning line, which is used to denoting that the program is either still actually working, or still recieving input. For more details see in this directory... Warning a number of programs are available to do this, though these often run in parrellel, and thus are not true 'activity indicators' and not really showing that the program is actually still working.