------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands to learn to use databases... mysql --user {username} --host {network_name} --password Password: ***** SHOW DATABASES; What database (table sets) you have access to. USE {database}; Work in this database set SHOW TABLES; What tables are in this database DESCRIBE {table}; What columns and types are in this table SHOW CREATE TABLE {table}; The command to use to re-recreate the table (does not show REFERENCES comments) # Change your own password (also see below) SET PASSWORD = 'new-password'; ALTER USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password'; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password'; -------- List Accounts on server USE mysql; # General list... SELECT User,Host FROM user; # MySQL 8 SELECT User,Host,plugin,authentication_string FROM user; # MySQL 5 ... SELECT User,Host,plugin,password FROM user; List 'known databases' and the users with access... show databases; use mysql; SELECT Db,User FROM db; -------- Create Table use {your database} create table {table} ({name} {type},... ); to modify you need to use alter table .... Add data to tables.... load data insert List Table Index show indexes from {table} --------- Uploading SQL datafiles mysql -h [host} -u {user} -p {database} < file.sql OR if a 'login path' has been setup (see below) mysql --login-path={path} < file.sql OR from interactive mysql mysql> use db_name; mysql> source file.sql; To speed up the upload time of large SQL files turn off autocommit. (you can do this in the SQL file too). mysql> set autocommit=0; source file.sql; commit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Administer Initialise MySQL. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/postinstallation.html Start Mysql for the first time on a completely empty data directory. systemctl stop mysqld datadir=$( grep -oP '^datadir=\K.*' /etc/my.cnf.d/mysql-server.cnf ) echo $datadir ls -Fla $datadir rm -r $datadir/* rm -r /var/lib/mysql/* # precaution :>/var/log/mysql/mysqld.log Start MySQL systemctl start mysqld Check it is working (uses anonymous login) mysqladmin version Login as root (add -p if a password was set) mysql -u root Root password is empty under RHEL (initialised insecure) But if it was set, you can get it using... grep -oP ' root@localhost: \K.*' /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log If you do not know the root password, edit the "my.cnf" files and add "skip-grant-tables" under "[mysqld]". Restart mysql and then set password (see next). Remove this afterwards Set password (newer sha2 password style) ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password'; Create remote root CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'new-password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Accounts... Create a User (with access from older clients) CREATE USER 's106441'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Or using a hashed string CREATE USER 's106441'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password AS 'password_hash'; Creating a Database and grant normal user access CREATE DATABASE s106441db; GRANT ALL ON s106441db.* TO 's106441'@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; List Accounts SELECT user,host FROM mysql.user; For MySQL v5 you can add the field 'password' SELECT user,host,password FROM mysql.user; For MySQL v8 add fields 'plugin,authentication_string' SELECT user,host,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user; COPY password from one user to another (OLD) UPDATE mysql.user SET password = ( SELECT password FROM mysql.user WHERE user='root' AND password <> '' ) WHERE user='root' AND password = ''; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Delete Database DROP DATABASE s106441db; DELETE FROM db WHERE Db='$database'; Delete User REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM 's106441'\@'%'; DROP USER 's106441'\@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous users and other user problems Sometimes you will login using an anonymous user rather than the current user. To see anonymous users run this query: use mysql; SELECT user,host FROM mysql.user WHERE user=''; To see that you authenticated as such, run this: SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); This will show how you tried to login and how mysql allowed you to login. To fix... Run these two queries: DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user=''; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; That should do it !!! Something else to watch out for is having multiple root users. SELECT user,host FROM mysql.user WHERE user='root'; You may have entries like this... root@localhost root@ root@server-host-name mysql may authenticate against ANY of these users! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security MySQL Recommendation... Replace the options... --user=??? --password=???? --host=??? with --login-path=???? Where login-path refers to a prepared login details stored in a encrypted file which only the current user has file access too... For example: "$HOME/.mylogin.cnf" The command "mysql_config_editor" is used to create and control this encrypted configuration file. Create a login path... mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local \ --host=localhost --user=root --password To see available login paths (password is never shown) mysql_config_editor print --all To use... mysql --login-path=local .... mysqldump --login-path=local .... Reference http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/mysql-config-editor.html NOTE: After it is set up the password is NOT needed to be stored or used 'in the clear'. It is up to the DBA's to keep a track of passwords started in these secure files. I do not know how the password is stored in the file, or even if the original password can even be extracted from the file. ALTERNATIVE 1 Instead of the encrypted ".mylogin.cnf" you can use a plain text credentials file /root/mysql-credentials.cnf [client] user=root password=the_password host=localhost mysql --defaults-file=/root/mysql-credentials.cnf .... WARNING: the password will be visible to anyone that can read the file, But it is still better than being visible in "ps" (process listing). ALTERNATIVE 2... Put password in environment variable MYSQL_PWD MYSQL_PWD="passwd" mysql --host=mysql.server --user=username ... WARNING: The password will be visible in a "ps" listings, and environment variables cannot be removed by the running process! Not that mysql even attempted to do that. ALTERNATIVE 3... Give password via a password program to a non-interactive mysql command sshpass -p secret | mysql -u root --password -e 'statement' Or use expect to feed the mysql command, and continue interactively expect -c " spawn mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password expect -nocase \"Enter password:\" {send \"secret\r\"; interact} ALTERNATIVE 4... This is the same as ALTERNATIVE 1 but the password is provided to the mysql command by the use of named pipes and special BASH features. mysql --defaults-file=<(` printf "[client]\nuser = %s\npassword = %s" "$user" "$pwd"\ ) -e "statement" Since the printf is a builtin within BASH it doesn't show up in "ps" and so the password is safe. Except the command line is saved into ".bash_history". Of course the script still needs to get that password from somewhere, so the script needs to be secured or the source of the password the script uses needs to be secure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stopping a 'home sub-directory' being thought of as databases The problem is that automysqlbackup reports... mysqldump: Incorrect database name For example.... mysqldump: Got error: 1102: "Incorrect database name '#mysql50#.cache'" when selecting the database These are caused by non-database directories appearing in the mysql database directory. The MySQL database directory is typically given on the mysqld daemon command (do a 'wide' process listing), and is typically but not always in "/var/lib/mysql". It may also be defined in the "my.cnf" configuration files. Note that the "abrt" program generates directories in a users home! As such for RH7 mysql servers, directories like ".config" and ".cache" will often re-appear! You can see the server thinks these directories are databases (when they aren't) ... mysql --user root --host localhost --password Enter password: ... MariaDB [(none)]> show databases; MariaDB [(none)]> use mysql; MariaDB [mysql]> SELECT Db,User FROM db; You will see the database is listed as existing, but no user (other than root) has access to that database. That is the database is junk. There are 3 solutions... Typically I do ALL three to ensure it does not happen again! 1/Delete the offending directories! If the sub-directory is empty or does not contain .MYD, .MYI, or .frm files then it is probably not a valid database. And not listed properly in the above output. You can just delete the sub-directories. This is the case for ".cache" and ".config" sub-directories (created by the 'abrt' system). However it is likely that they will eventually re-appear (maybe). rm -r /var/lib/mysql/.cache rm -r /var/lib/mysql/.config They simply should just NOT exist in this directory! First they are for 'user home' directories not application homes, and second '.' and '#' are not allowed in database names. 2/Tell MySQL Server to ignore them -- PREFERRED SOLUTION That is tell it they are not databases and it should nto list them. This fixes the cause of the error. Add directory to the mysql configuration "my.cnf" file in the "[mysqld]" section.. And restart MySQL server... vi /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf # ignore certain directories which are NOT mysql databases ignore-db-dir='lost+found' ignore-db-dir='.cache' ignore-db-dir='.config' ignore-db-dir='.ssh' After the server had been restarted the following will show if the options has taken effect... show global variables like 'ignore_db_dirs'; This is now being used on na-prd-nagios and is set specifically in "/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf" or "/etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql56/my.cnf.d/mysql-server.cnf" 3/Modify dump script, to prevent it reporting an error. But getting the "automysqlbackup" script to ignore these 'databases' and stop it from trying to back them up, does not appear to be a simple matter. All attempts to use $DBEXCLUDE fails! -- I have no idea why! # DBEXCLUDE="information_schema performance_schema" # DBEXCLUDE="$DBEXCLUDE #mysql50#.cache #mysql50#.config" If this is to be done it may be better to do it programmically if [ "$DBNAMES" = "all" ]; then DBNAMES="`mysql --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --host=$DBHOST \ --batch --skip-column-names -e "show databases" | sed 's/ /%/g;/^#mysql/d'`" # clean and remove 'dot' sub-dirs POST CLEANUP: After applying ANY of the above actions the database backups of these directories should also be removed from whereever the automysqlbackup scipt saves them. For example rm -r /store/backups/mysql/*/\#* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mysqldump: Got error: 23: Out of resources when opening file 1/ From https://blog.hostonnet.com/mysql-out-of-resources-when-opening-file Into the appropriate "my.cnf" files add.. Check maximum allowed files cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr Change file-max (if needed) vi /etc/sysctl.conf fs.file-max=65536 sysctl -a =======8<-------- [mysqld_safe] log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid open_files_limit = 50000 =======8<-------- Restart server and check mysql> show global variables like 'open%'; I can see this on elemental, and yet it is on the mysql command line! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safe snapshots of MySQL tables (for backups) on LVM systems #!/usr/bin/perl # # On a LINUX LVM system, get mysql to flush and do a LVM snapshot # before making a backup of the mysql snapshot # # $SnapDir="/snapshots/mysql"; $SnapDev="/dev/asylum/mysql_snapshot"; $SnapSize="128M"; $MySQLDev="/dev/asylum/mysql"; $OnOff=$ARGV[0]; # Are we creating or removing a mysql table snapshot chomp $OnOff; if ($ARGV[1] eq "-v" || $ARGV[1] eq "-v\n") { $Verbose="y"; $MountParams="-v -t ext4 -o ro,noatime,nodiratime,noexec,nosuid,nodev,barrier=0"; $UMountParams="-v"; } else { $Verbose="n"; $MountParams="-t ext4 -o ro,noatime,nodiratime,noexec,nosuid,nodev,barrier=0"; $UMountParams=""; } if ($OnOff eq "on") { # connect mysql ROOT use DBI; $DB=DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:mysql" . ";mysql_read_default_file=/root/.my.cnf", root, $password) or die "Could not connect to MySQL\n"; # flush and lock all tables $DB->do("flush tables with read lock;") or die "Can't flush and lock tables: ",$DB->errstr,"\n"; # create the LVM snapshot device system ("lvcreate --size $SnapSize --snapshot --name mysql_snapshot $MySQLDev > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or die "Can't create snapshot: $?\n"; # unlock the tables so MySQL can continue serving clients # After this we don't have to talk to MySQL at all anymore. $DB->do("unlock tables"); $DB->disconnect; # mount up the snapshot volume system ("mount $MountParams $SnapDev $SnapDir") == 0 or die "Unable to mount snapshot: $?\n"; } elsif ($OnOff eq "off") { # Unmount the snapshot system ("umount $UMountParams $SnapDir") == 0 or die "Can't unmount snapshot: $?\n"; # Delete the snapshot volume system ("lvremove --force $SnapDev > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or system ("lvremove --force $SnapDev > /dev/null") == 0 or die "Can't remove the snapshot volume: $?\n"; } else { die "Invalid parameter used on command line.\n"; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MySQL Swap space insanity The problem we are seeing on na-prd-ownclouddb-0 where mysql just gobbles all swap space, while memory is free... The MySQL “swap insanity” problem and the effects of the NUMA architecture https://blog.jcole.us/2010/09/28/mysql-swap-insanity-and-the-numa-architecture/ Essentially add a NUMA process configuration command as part of running mysql. Look for "A small change, to big effect" if you feel TLDR Also an small follow up A brief update on NUMA and MySQL. https://blog.jcole.us/2012/04/16/a-brief-update-on-numa-and-mysql/ which also adds a extra 'pre-command' to reset NUMA before hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Binlog Purging Mysql directory is full of binlogs, which are used for slave replication. WARNING: you can't simply delete files as "binlog.index" keeps a list of the files that are present. Login to mysql and run PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE NOW(); which will purge all but the last one. Erase all binary logs before last midnight PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL 0 SECOND; Erase all binary logs before midnight 3 days ago PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE DATE(NOW()) + INTERVAL 0 SECOND - INTERVAL 3 DAY; To get binlog rotating automatically set this in the approopriate "my.cnf" [mysqld] expire_logs_days=3 Then login and run in mysql SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days=3; You can also try RESET MASTER; Which deleted all binary logs listed in the index file, and creates a new empty one. It should only be used while there are no replication slaves running. https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/47046 This also is supposed to remove binlogs that are older than 3 days mysqladmin -u username -p flush-logs As this is part logrotate (if set up), then it can handle this -------------------------------------------------------------------------------