------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install (124 Packages 984 M installed) dnf install azure-cli ... huge store of python modules ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # login (pops open a web browser) az login # list account info (colorized yaml) az account show --out yamlc # set your default subscription az account set --subscription CORP-APP-PRD-001 # list vm groups... az group list az group list | jq '.[].name' # List the VMs az vm list | jq '.[].name' | tr -d '"' # get resource group of the vm (table form) az vm list | jq '.[]|.name,.resourceGroup' | sed 'N;s/\n/\t/; s/"//g; s/.*/\L&/' | column -t # run the serial console # see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/serial-console ?view=azure-cli-latest#az-serial-console-connect # To exit use CTRL-] q # az serial-console connect -n na-prd-mysqltpass-0 -g rg-teampass-prd-ae -------------------------------------------------------------------------------