Tower Floor -- C Programming

Almost completely encircling (except around the stairs) the walls of this room are large racks of scrolls. In the middle of the room a flaming monument fills the room with light. A plaque on the side of the monument reads...
In dedication to all dead computer languages Past, Present and Future.

Cobol, Fortran, Forth, Pascal, BCPL, B...

You feel humbled in the presence of this monument and if you'd had a hat you feel inclined to remove it in silent reverence.

The stone staircase behind you signed as leading up to VI Editor and down to The X window System where the X is very weirdly drawn with angled lines of different thicknesses.

The white marble circle is of course just to the right of the stairs. Something about its position however seems to not be right but you aren't quite sure what.

The titles on the scroll racks lining the walls are :-

Icon  Name                         Description
[TXT] C_algorithms.txt Small 'n' Nifty Algorithms [TXT] C_debugging.txt Debugging Hints and Tips [TXT] C_hints.txt General C Programming [TXT] C_macros.txt CPP Macro Programming [TXT] C_processes.txt Fork, Exec & Child Processes Tips [TXT] C_program_bugs.txt Programming Bugs to watch out for [TXT] C_system_dependancies.txt Things to check with C Compilers [TXT] C_threads.txt Using threads in C [TXT] IO_techniques.txt Input/Output, and Sockets [TXT] bit_programming.txt Bitwise programming Tricks [TXT] curses_programming.txt Curses Programming Hints and Tips [TXT] data_structures.txt Data Structures in C (of any type) [TXT] file_locking.txt File Locking Methods [TXT] fixpoint.txt My notes on Fixed Point Integers [TXT] fixpoint_macros.c Fixed Point C Macro functions [TXT] lib.funct.c Library function substitution [TXT] loadable_objs.txt Creating and Loading a Runtime .o File [TXT] make.txt Makefile Hints and Tips [TXT] parsing_files.txt Parsing Files, Words, Configs [TXT] random_number_generators.txt Random Number Generators [TXT] select_example.txt Using Select (example explained) [TXT] shared_libraries.txt Creating a shared dynamic library [TXT] shared_memory.txt Using shared memory between processes [TXT] signals.txt Signal Handling and Processing [TXT] tilde_expansion.c Expanding tilde `~' as csh does [TXT] yacc.txt Yacc Programming Hints and Tips
You can go..
[lift] [up] [down]

Created: 13 January 1995
Author: Anthony Thyssen, <>